Yogesh Chandra Gupta

Industry Fellow (Professor) , UPES

Dehradun, Uttarakhand

ESG, Sustainability, Energy Transition & Climate change professional. A graduate in Electrical Engg from IIT-BHU followed by MBA in Operation & Production Management and a Ph.D. in Power Engg with additional qualifications of Certified Energy Manager (International), BEE Accredited Energy Auditor, Chartered Engineer, Lead Auditor–ISO 50001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and PSSC Master trainer for distri en

Contact Yogesh Chandra Gupta
Area of Expertise:
  • Environment, Climate, Energy, Water, Sanitation
Professional Experience:

Energy Transition & Sustainability Professional
? B. TECH– Electrical Engineering (1991), IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India
? PGDM – Operation & Production Management (1996), IMT, Ghaziabad, India
? MBA – Operation & Production Management (2010), MK University, India
? PGCAP – PG in Academic Excellence (2019), UPES
? Ph.D. – Power Engineering (2023), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
? EHS & ESG Compliances for Corporates – IIM, Mumbai
? ESG for Corporates – NITIE, Mumbai
? Fundamentals of ESG and Sustainability – ESG Research Foundation & Delhi UNIV
? Carbon footprint of a product (ISO 14067) – QCI, GoI
? Green Hydrogen Plant Entrepreneur – NSDC, GoI
? Certified Energy Manager® (CEM®) – AEE, Atlanta, USA
? Accredited Energy Auditor – BEE, Ministry of Power, GoI
? Chartered Engineer – Institution of Engineers of India
? Master Trainer – Asia Low Carbon Technologies (GGGI)
? Lead Assessor for
? Energy Management System (ISO 50001 Standard), IRCA (UK)
? Environment Management System (ISO 14001 Standard), IRCA (UK)
? Quality Management System (ISO 9001 Standard), IRCA (UK)
? Power Distribution Engineering Master Trainer – Power Sector Skill Council, GoI
? GRIHA Evaluator and trainer
? ZED Master Trainer - Quality Council of India, GoI

? Six-week training in JICA, Japan about "EC techniques for India and efficiency enhancement of Power plants”.

I have 33+ years of experience in sustainability, ESG, EIA, energy efficiency, and operational excellence with various corporate and industry associations (FICCI), academics, and national projects under the Ministry of Steel & Ministry of Commerce & Industry. Actively Instrumental for technology transfer from Developed countries.

Currently, associated with the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies as an Industry Fellow (Professor) teaching Sustainability and decarbonization-related subjects to Mtech. & B.Tech. (Energy Systems & Renewable Energy Engineering) students. Published various technical articles in SCI/Scopus-indexed journals and obtained patents. Having two patents in his name. For the last five years, CII has been invited as a Jury for the
1. National Energy Circle Competition and
2. National Electrical Safety and Reliability Completion.
3. National Kaizen Circle Competition

PROJECTS EXECUTED (Funded by Multilateral Agencies):
1. Development of Multi-Sectoral Energy Action Plan (for the next 30 years) and Renewable Energy Pathway for Uttarakhand GIZ Govt of Uttarakhand India 2021 - 2023
2. Development of Detailed Energy Audit Methodology manuals & check sheets for the textile sector in Turkey UNDP / UNIDO Republic of Turkey Turkey 2017 - 2018
3. Removal of barriers Energy Efficiency improvement of Steel Re-rolling mills (1800 units) in India GEF / UNDP Ministry of Steel India 2006 - 2010
4. productivity improvement (Through Energy Efficiency improvement and process technology gap assessment) of Pulp and paper SMEs of UP/ Uttaranchal. UNIDO Ministry of Commerce India 2004 - 2006

As an Accredited Energy Auditor, I Performed various M&V audits and mandatory audits (For various industrial sectors like Fertilizer, Iron & steel, Pulp and paper, and Textile). In addition, I performed various EHS audits & QMS audits (ISO 14001, 18001 & 9001).

I was a key instructor on behalf of BEE for delivering various modules in the Refresher Course for AEAs / CEAs/ CEMs in India. I delivered a session about white and green certificates at the Istanbul Energy Engineering Congress 2018. I offered various technical training (more than 50) for capacity building of working professionals (Managers / Engineers) from Corporate / PSUs / Government sectors about Energy Conservation opportunities in their industries, Especially Power Plants, Transmission and


B.Tech.-Electrical Engg.(IIT)+ MBA-Operation & Production Management + PhD-Power Engg. (Pursuing)+ ESG for Corporate + Carbon Footprint + Chartered Engineer + Certified Energy manager (International)+ Lead auditor - ISO 9001, 14001, 50001 + PSSC Trainer + ZED Trainer + Master trainer ALCBT

Affiliations and Achievements:

1. Chartered Engineer
2. Vice President - Delhi chapter for Association of Energy Engineers, Atlanta USA.
3. Got recognition (2024) from AEE, USA as "Legend in Energy".

Available for:

  • Consulting assignments
  • Job opportunities

Years of Experience:

More than 20 years

Highest Qualification:



English, Hindi

