Professional Experience:
1.1. Successfully completed the contract as a Regional Team Leader in Cluster 09 Mumbai under Strategic Expertise Technical Unit, Fhi360 and supported TA to Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, DD & DNH SACS and Mumbai & Ahmedabad DACS from 1st Nov 2022 to 30th Sept 2023. Under the SETU I have provided support to all Prevention units Linlk Workers Schemes, Sampoorna Suraksha Kendra through two Prevention Specialist, 3 M&E and 24 Prevention Field Officers.
Key responsibilities:
* Being a RTL provided technical expertise for strategically perceiving, processing and performing the prevention interventions in National AIDS & STI Control Programme (NACP).
* Mainly focused on quality enhancement, value addition, 95-95-95 target, strengthening the linkages, community ownership, operational research and knowledge exchange.
* Provided technical assistance to state level programs through the cluster model of decentralized Technical Assistance Mechanism covering all concern states and union territories.
* Working as a National Master Trainer for Programme Management I have provided support to CBHUB team-NACO during the training at Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Mumbai.
* Facilitated Sr. Master trainers training for ORW & PE Module conducted by SAATHII at Hyderabad.
Facilitated Sr. Master Training at National Level ToT conducted for Sr. Master Trainers on TI cadre Programme Managers, supported by SAATHII at NIPHTR, Panvel Mumbai.
2.Worked as Team Leader Technical Support Unit (TL-TSU) for Gujarat which is implemented by Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) under NACO from 5th July 2021 to 31st August 2022 (Employee Code:E12402). This TSU is functioning as an expanded mode and we are providing support to Gujarat State AIDS Control Society and Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation AIDS Control Society for all components of the NACP.
Key responsibilities:
•Overall in charge of TSU.
•To act as a Technical Support Unit point person and will also reports to Project Director –GSACS and Additional Project Director GSACS.
•Assist SACS in evidence based strategic planning to implement HIV programs across the state.
•Develop monthly/quarterly work plan for TSU along with budget and quarter wise deliverables.
•Coordinate reviews of the monthly plans by PD, SACS with TI division SACS and TSU team.
•Provide supportive supervision to all other Technical Experts and Program officers.
•Provide onsite technical support to TIs for a minimum of 5 days per month.
•Detailed tour report should be submitted within 3 days of completion of tour.
•Identify and develop linkages between TIs for HIV services viz. ICTC, STI clinics, ART centers and CSC.
•Coordinate in conducting quarterly TSU Monitoring Committee meeting.
•Prepare quarterly/ annual progress report to SACS and NACO,
•Supervision of internal Admin and finance departments.
•Analyze all the visit reports in line with the compliance report given by the TI NGOs and provide feedback.
•Proper handholding of POs and conduct training program for TI NGO officials.
•Provide technical guidance to both POs and TI NGO Officials to develop indicators.
•Ensure POs regularly visit their respective TI NGOs and provide feedback to both him and SACS Officials.
•Provide necessary guidance for strengthening the coordination between PO and TI NGO Staff.
•Keep the Project Director and Senior Program Manager informed of the field and also carry out instructions as needed.
•Provide reports as and when required.
•Any other work as assigned by the Supervisor/APD – GSACS
3.Successfully completed my contract period and worked as a Project Co-ordinator, Regional Training Unit (RTU) Jaipur/Ahmedabad, Saksham Prerak, TATA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, Deonar Mumbai under National AIDS Control Organisation, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi Supported by PLAN Intrnational. At present due to COVID-19 pandamic I am working from home and conducting the Capacity Building Trainings throu